Update: 8-2009
Dear Cindy,
I just wanted to drop you a note. Raleigh was a year old on Sunday. He has silvered out into a beautiful café au lait color. He is spirited but docile, intelligent, loving and the consummate clown. I can’t imagine my life without him. The day he learned to catch the Frisbee in midair was the proudest day of his life, and when we lost his eighteen-year-old angora cat, he was in mourning for a week. He is the most robust and healthy pet I have ever had. I would recommend your breeding facilities to anyone interested in this breed.
Please pass this along to Wendy.
Update: 11-2008
Raleigh at 12 weeks. He weighs 17 pounds. He knows sit, down, stay, and place. We are working on heel this week, and last night we learned to high five in about 3 minutes. He is incredibly intelligent, and sweet-natured. He adores my 12-year-old cocker spaniel, and with Raleigh in the house, Grover is fetching, playing, and more active than he has been for five years.
Thanks for a great dog!
Charleston, S.C.
Update: 9-2008
Dear Cindy,
My puppy’s name is Raleigh. I can’t begin to describe what a good puppy he is. He is sweet, calm, and very intelligent. I am completely sold on standards. I have had many breeds in my lifetime, and loved them all, but these guys are just different.
He has already started with an excellent trainer, and at nine weeks had mastered the sit command (took about ten minutes). He does “stay”, and “leave it” as well. We have our second training session today. The trainer is also very impressed with him. We are taking him through advanced obedience, as both the trainer and I believe that his potential is unlimited. I plan to begin agility with him soon.
Please feel free to publish my comments in any advertising, and on your website.
Don’t get me wrong, – we have “puppy bursts”, and lots of enthusiastic playing, but it is easy to bring him back to complete calm. Pepper seemed pretty laid back when I met her. Raleigh will be deep-chested like his father, and has a broad, beautiful face. I am not good about taking pictures, but will try to get some this weekend and forward them.
Thanks for a great dog,
Charleston, S.C.